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Hunts with Guaranteed tags in Redding, California For Sale

Price: $2
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

Who's ready to book a hunt with Guaranteed Tags for xxxx?
*Wyoming - Guided bow(5 days) + rifle(3 days) near Casper, draw/leftover tags, private/public land...$2,695/$2,095
*Alaska ? Guided 5 day rifle/bow, tags OTC, Sept 21-30, 2 hunter min, Kotzebue, add black bear/wolf??.??. $7,500
*Alaska ? 5 day drop camp(tent, cook gear, food), Kotzebue, 2 hunter min. late Aug-Sept 30, black bear/wolf..$3,850
*Alberta ? Rifle/bow guided, float plane, 45-50?avg, mid Sept-mid Oct(7 days), free wolf, amazing fishing??..$9,995
*Alaska ? Guided rifle/bow hunt,( 7 days)Sept/Oct out of Kotzebue, 50 - 55? avg, add black bear/wolf???...$14,995
*Alaska ? Hunters supply all gear, 2 hunter minimum, North of Fairbanks(Unit 21), Sept/Oct (8-10 day hunt)...$3,995
*Alberta ? Guided Spring rifle/bow hunt over bait from stands, 7 days in May/June, can take second bear??..$3,995
*Idaho ? Guided 5 days over bait or dogs, May/June, mostly color phase, 90% shot opp, East of Idaho Falls?...$2,995
*Alaska ? Guided arctic grizzly out Kotzebue, 7-8 foot avg, hunt dates in Sept, high success, add caribou?..?.$12,500
Alaska ? Guided 10 day hunt on the Peninsula for 9-10 foot avg bruins, charter flight ($1,800), Fall dates?..?$25,500
Idaho ? 4 days over bait or spot/stalk, Units 11/15, 50% kill in Feb and March, in NW Idaho???????????$2,800
*Florida ? 2 day hunt, Central Florida, 9-10 feet(can upgrade), 100% kill(free range), any weapon, year round.....$2,500
Mexico ? 4 NT/3 Day, 3 dove/3 duck, Oct-March dates, Includes ? 28 boxes, gun, license, resort, meals?.??.....?$3,495
Argentina ? 4 NT/3 days (6 hunts), Includes ? xxxx shells, gun, license, guide, meals/lodging, alcohol, kid free......$1,995
New Zealand
South Island ? 5 NT/4 Days, Feb-April xxxx, 7-9 point Red Stag and Fallow buck, Free non-hunter??????..$6,995
South Africa ? 2 hunters, 10 trophies/5 species, Northern Cape(Kimberly), 100,000 acres, meals, lodging, transport,
Guide, Trophies- 2 Each: Springbuck, Blesbuck, Steenbuck, Red Hartebeest and Black Wildebeest?.?$12,480
* denotes archery hunt available
Call us now for best dates
Serge (415)706-xxxx email ?

State: California  City: Redding  Category: Sport
Sport in California for sale

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